Basic helper functions
def cache_method_decorator(cache_attr, cache_namespace, reexecute = False):
def inner_fn(fn):
def wrapper(self, *args, key_namespace=None, fetch=False, set_cache=True, **kwargs):
namespace_str = str(default(key_namespace, ''))
_cache = getattr(self, cache_attr)
_keyname = f'{cache_namespace}:{namespace_str}'
if fetch:
val = _cache[_keyname]
if reexecute:
fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
val = fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
if set_cache:
setattr(self, cache_attr, {**_cache, **{_keyname: val}})
return val
return wrapper
return inner_fn
def look_one_back(x):
x_extra =[x[:, -1:, ...], x[:, :-1, ...]], dim=1)
return[x, x_extra], dim=2)
def chunked_sum(tensor, chunks=1):
*orig_size, last_dim = tensor.shape
tensor = tensor.reshape(-1, last_dim)
summed_tensors = [c.sum(dim=-1) for c in tensor.chunk(chunks, dim=0)]
return, dim=0).reshape(orig_size)
def sort_key_val(t1, t2, dim=-1):
values, indices = t1.sort(dim=dim)
t2 = t2.expand_as(t1)
return values, t2.gather(dim, indices)
def batched_index_select(values, indices):
last_dim = values.shape[-1]
return values.gather(1, indices[:, :, None].expand(-1, -1, last_dim))
Utility functions to assess model performance. Test functions with mod
and input x
mod = get_text_classifier(AWD_LSTM, vocab_sz=10_000, n_class=10)
x = torch.randint(0, 100, (3, 72))
Number of params for our test model:
for p in mod[0].parameters():
p.requires_grad = False
Translation Callbacks
Callbacks used to ensuring training a translation model works. All 3 are needed
See notebook here for explanation of EOS shifting
class CombineInputOutputCallback(Callback):
Callback to combine the source (self.xb) and target (self.yb) into self.xb
def __init__(self): pass
def before_batch(self):
self.learn.xb = (self.xb[0], self.yb[0])
class AssertAndCancelFit(Callback):
"Cancels batch after backward to avoid opt.step()"
def before_batch(self):
assert len(self.learn.xb) == 2
assert self.learn.xb[1] is self.learn.yb[0]
raise CancelEpochException()
learn = synth_learner(cbs=[CombineInputOutputCallback(), AssertAndCancelFit()])
class RemoveEOSCallback(Callback):
Shift the target presented to the model during training to remove the "eos" token as
we don't want the model to learn to translate EOS when it sees EOS.
In practice we actually mask the EOS token as due to batching the last token will often be a <pad> token,
not EOS
def __init__(self, eos_idx): self.eos_idx=eos_idx
def before_batch(self):
self.learn.xb = (self.learn.xb[0], self.learn.xb[1][eos_mask].view((sz[0],sz[1])))
class LossTargetShiftCallback(Callback):
Shift the target shown to the loss to exclude the "bos" token as the first token we want predicted
should be an actual word, not the "bos" token (as we have already given the model "bos" )
def __init__(self): pass
def after_pred(self):
self.learn.yb = (self.learn.yb[0][:,1:],)
class TestLossShiftAndCancelFit(Callback):
"Cancels batch after backward to avoid opt.step()"
def after_pred(self):
o = self.learn.dls.one_batch()
assert self.learn.yb[0].size()[1] == o[1].size()[1] - 1
raise CancelEpochException()
learn = synth_learner(cbs=[LossTargetShiftCallback(), TestLossShiftAndCancelFit()])
input_ids = torch.tensor([1,2,3,4])
add_eos = AddEOSID(0)
pred = torch.randn(bs, sl, v, requires_grad=True)
targ = torch.randint(v, (bs,sl))
i, j = torch.triu_indices(bs, sl, offset=(sl-bs+1))
targ[i,j] = -1
loss_func = LabelSmoothingCrossEntropyFlat(ignore_index=-1)
loss = loss_func(pred, targ)
assert (torch.all(pred.grad == 0, dim=-1) == (targ==-1)).all()